Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Competition/Tag Rugby

Competition : is a contest between individuals, groups etc. it arises whenever two or more parties strive for a goal which cannot be shared.
Usually in a competition there is a prize or a reward but there doesn't always have to be. A competition can be a way of exercising or having fun with a team. It tends to make the game better though when the team is working towards a goal or a reward, I think it makes people work harder because they know it's worth something. Yes, there can be enjoyment and fun without competition, people often play sport for casual and recreational exercise and don't think of it as a competition. Last Thursday we spent the day in Clondalkin participating in a tag rugby blitz between other schools, there was no overall winner at the end of the day and there was more of an emphasis being placed on the participation and fun rather than the competition. I think this made it better because for most teams it was the first time to be playing tag rugby outside PE and there would have been a lot of pressure if someone was going to be made a winner at the end of the day.