Wednesday, May 18, 2011


This week for PE we made up our own versions of rounders and then during the PE class we tried them out. I think the games worked really well, all the ideas were really good and different. Many of the rules were simple and similar to the rules of rounders which made the games a lot easier to play and understand. The games flowed very well and I think that we should play them more often now and maybe other classes or years in the school could try them out and see if they are worth playing on a regular basis. I really enjoyed making up the game and putting together the rules, it was fun working with a team and explaining the rules to the rest of the classs.
"Games can make us see the importance of rules"
I think this is ture because if games had no basic rules, they wouldn't work.When rules are broken it stops the game being fair for both teams and there isn't an element of competition anymore.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Competition/Tag Rugby

Competition : is a contest between individuals, groups etc. it arises whenever two or more parties strive for a goal which cannot be shared.
Usually in a competition there is a prize or a reward but there doesn't always have to be. A competition can be a way of exercising or having fun with a team. It tends to make the game better though when the team is working towards a goal or a reward, I think it makes people work harder because they know it's worth something. Yes, there can be enjoyment and fun without competition, people often play sport for casual and recreational exercise and don't think of it as a competition. Last Thursday we spent the day in Clondalkin participating in a tag rugby blitz between other schools, there was no overall winner at the end of the day and there was more of an emphasis being placed on the participation and fun rather than the competition. I think this made it better because for most teams it was the first time to be playing tag rugby outside PE and there would have been a lot of pressure if someone was going to be made a winner at the end of the day.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Tag Rugby contd.

Yesterday in PE class we played proper tag rugby games for the first time since we started learning about 4 weeks ago. I think we have come a long way since the first day and we understand the game and rules well and we play better together as a team. On the 7th of April we - as a class, are going to a tag rugby blitz in Dublin to play against other teams. I am looking forward to it because we have a good chance of winning a few games because we have had good training over the last few weeks. I think that women should be more encouraged to play tag rugby because it is a good team sport, it's a good way of staying fit and it isn't as intense as normal rugby. I don't think that it shold be labelled a game just for men because it's just like any other sport which women are able to play.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Tag Rugby (week 3)

So far we have had 3 lesson with Simon for tag rugby. I think that I have definetly progressed since the first lesson. I had a general idea of how to play the game before but I have learned the rules a lot better now that I have been doing it for three weeks. I think that next week when we play full games of tag rugby I will be able for it becuase we have been thought how to pass and how to play with the other members of your team which are essential in playing a full game. I feel confident enough about next week. I am enjoying playing tag rugby in PE class - it is a good experience to have someone who knows the rules and the game so well to be able to teach you.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Tag Rugby

Yesterday in PE class, Simon from the IRFU took us for the whole class to teach us about tag rugby. We did rugby drills, like passing and then we did dynamic stretching and core stability exercises, which are important in case you pull as muscle during training/games. It is also extremly important for frequent rugby players as you are stronger and more likely to be able to endure a whole game at a good pace. At the end of the class we had a short game of tag rugby, and we learnt about some of the basic rules, like tagging and passing backwards and frees. He told us that now, girls are more encouraged to play rugby. I really enjoyed yesterdays PE class (:

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Tag Rugby

Yesterday in PE we started playing tag rugby, at first we only did passing and working as a team as some people had never played tag rugby before in the class. The basic rules of tag rugby is that there are seven people on a team, made up of three girls and four boys. Each player has two tags and once someone takes a tag this counts as a tackle, only the person with the ball can be tagged. A try for a boy counts as one point and a try for a girl counts as three points .After a try is scored the game restarts from the centre of the field, with the team that hasn't scored starting with the ball. No forward passing is allowed and if this does happen the team that doesn't have the ball is given a free. I don't know of any leagues or teams set up near me. I think that team sports, such as tag rubgy are better than individual sports. Working as a team is more rewarding because you have people to celebrate with if you win, you can also rely on people during games whereas in individual sports you can't rely on anyone but yourself. I think the class yeaterday was very good, I learned lots about tag rugby and I am looking forward to playing games in the next class.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Fitness plan follow up

Fitness Programme Follow up
I found that I have started to do more exercise than I would have if I hadn’t made my fitness programme. It made me get out and do some exercise which is good and healthy. I have kept to most things on it, but I could probably do more this week like the swimming I said I would do on Thursdays for an hour, which I didn’t get around to. Hopefully all the exercise will improve my scores on the bleep test and other exercises we did in p.e for the next month when we test them out. I did find it harder than my usual exercise during the, but I think I could keep up with it. I think Sunday is a good day to relax so you’re ready to go again for the next week. In p.e class yesterday we did step aerobics which was for our cardio-vascular and muscular endurance. We took our heart rates at the beginning, during and at the end of the class. At the beginning I had a heart rate of 70 beats per minute and during the aerobics it was 120 beats. At the end of the lesson it had gone back down to 90 beats per minute.