Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Tag Rugby

Yesterday in PE we started playing tag rugby, at first we only did passing and working as a team as some people had never played tag rugby before in the class. The basic rules of tag rugby is that there are seven people on a team, made up of three girls and four boys. Each player has two tags and once someone takes a tag this counts as a tackle, only the person with the ball can be tagged. A try for a boy counts as one point and a try for a girl counts as three points .After a try is scored the game restarts from the centre of the field, with the team that hasn't scored starting with the ball. No forward passing is allowed and if this does happen the team that doesn't have the ball is given a free. I don't know of any leagues or teams set up near me. I think that team sports, such as tag rubgy are better than individual sports. Working as a team is more rewarding because you have people to celebrate with if you win, you can also rely on people during games whereas in individual sports you can't rely on anyone but yourself. I think the class yeaterday was very good, I learned lots about tag rugby and I am looking forward to playing games in the next class.

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