Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Muscular endurance

Muscular Endurance and Strength
Muscular endurance – the ability for a person to exert itself for a long period of time. It is usually in aerobic and anaerobic exercise.
Strength – Physical strength also known as muscular strength is the ability of a person to exert force on physical objects using muscles.
Benefits of developing these areas of fitness; you will become more healthy as a result of the training, the risk of you getting an injury while exercising will decrease as a result and you will be able to compete in sports for longer as you will be more fit from developing these areas of fitness.
Yesterdays PE class; Yesterday in class we focused on developing our muscular endurance and strength. To do this we played basketball, this would involve using your triceps and biceps, your quads and your calves. We warmed up first by doing press-ups, sit-ups, passing, tricep dips and running. This was to warm up your muscles so they wouldn’t be sore the next day.

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