Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Fitness plan follow up

Fitness Programme Follow up
I found that I have started to do more exercise than I would have if I hadn’t made my fitness programme. It made me get out and do some exercise which is good and healthy. I have kept to most things on it, but I could probably do more this week like the swimming I said I would do on Thursdays for an hour, which I didn’t get around to. Hopefully all the exercise will improve my scores on the bleep test and other exercises we did in p.e for the next month when we test them out. I did find it harder than my usual exercise during the, but I think I could keep up with it. I think Sunday is a good day to relax so you’re ready to go again for the next week. In p.e class yesterday we did step aerobics which was for our cardio-vascular and muscular endurance. We took our heart rates at the beginning, during and at the end of the class. At the beginning I had a heart rate of 70 beats per minute and during the aerobics it was 120 beats. At the end of the lesson it had gone back down to 90 beats per minute.

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