Wednesday, February 2, 2011

My perception of PE

My Perception of P.E
I think that P.E is very beneficial in school for everybody involved. Its gives people a chance to get away from the classroom and have fun while exercising. I like it because it’s fun and healthy and people who won’t usually be involved in sport get a chance to be involved as a team. It allows to people to get to know each other better while working in a team or coming up with tactics or ideas. It also allows people to learn about leadership and organising groups/teams, and even though learning is involved it still has the aspect of enjoyment.
P.E usually meant basketball or football in my primary school which would generally only suit some people. However in secondary school we get a chance to participate in more sports and activates which is great. We can learn about different sports in other countries and have a chance to experience them. Sports Day in school is also P.E related and it is a great day which brings the whole school together through different events.
I do enjoy P.E in school and I think that it’s a very positive way of exercising, learning about being healthy and teamwork within the school.

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